Incorporating Enzymes and Microbial Physiology into Biogeochemical Models
Type: Workshop
When: May 15 - 18, 2012
Where: Colorado State University, Fort Collins Colorado
Welcome to the 2nd International Enzymes in the Environment RCN Workshop: Incorporating Enzymes and Microbial Physiology into Biogeochemical Models
In this three day intensive workshop, participants will examine how enzymes are incorporated into traditional biogeochemistry paradigms, classes, and ecosystem models.
RCN Workshop Program
Click here to view the program for the 2nd International Enzymes in the Environment workshop, 2012
Workshop Goals
Although enzymes are widely recognized as the proximate drivers of decomposition and degradation in terrestrial and aquatic environments, they have not historically been explicitly incorporated into models. However, pioneering efforts have clearly demonstrated that this approach can improve model performance under some conditions and can potentially transform the next generation of ecosystem models and influence the structure of larger scale models. Parallel to the development of enzyme and microbial explicit models, there have been rapid advances in our fundamental understanding of the ecology of enzymes and microbial physiology that can help inform the structure of models and to parameterize them. Clearly, there is an opportunity to advance the field through a synthesis of current knowledge and review of the lessons learned through recent modeling activities.
The workshop will consist of invited talks, posters, and breakout sessions to discuss a variety of topics, including the various types of mechanistic enzyme models already in existence, approaches to incorporate enzymes into biogeochemical models, scaling issues, and recent advancements in fundamental knowledge. We are planning pre-meeting surveys and possibly a common modeling exercise to maximize the productivity of the meeting. Workshop outcomes will include one or more synthesis manuscripts, and we hope to spur new collaborations and proposals.
Online registration (for volunteered participants)
Call for posters (click here)
Poster abstract registration form (click here).
Note: Please save this document to your computer and submit the completed registration form to by February 3, 2012 for consideration. In the email subject line, please write: ‘RCN workshop 2012 abstract submission’. You will receive confirmation of receipt within three days after the date submitted. You will be notified by February 17, 2012 if your abstract has been accepted.
Registration Fees
Good news for all presenters… there is no registration fee! Workshop expenses will be covered by the RCN funding from the National Science Foundation. Poster presenters are responsible for their travel and lodging. However, we have made arrangements with the Best Western and Hilton hotels located within close-walking distance to Colorado State University for discounted rates.
Confirmed featured participants
(organized alphabetically by last name)
Carol Arnosti (University North Carolina), Colin Averill (University of Texas), Klaus Butterbach-Bahl (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Steve Del Grosso (USDA-ARS), Adrien Finzi (Boston University), Tina Kaiser (Instituts for Applied System Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria), Ellen Kandeler (University of Hohenheim, Germany), John Moore (Colorado State University), Daryl Moorhead (University of Toledo), Josh Schimel (UCSB), Seeta Sistla (UCSB), Kathe Todd-Brown (UC Irvine), Mike Weintraub (University of Toledo)
Lodging options
Best Western University Inn: The Best Western University Inn & Staff is assisting us in hosting this workshop by offering discounted room rates to participants May 15-19, 2012. When booking reservations, please communicate that you are attending the ‘Enzyme Workshop’ and your room rate will be reduced to $70.00 per room, per night (plus tax if applicable). Individuals must call the hotel directly in order to make reservations. This special rate will be available until May 1, 2012. Reservations made after this date will not be offered this special rate, so if you choose to stay at the Best Western, please book your rooms as soon as you have received your abstract confirmation!
Best Western University Inn is conveniently located right across the street from Colorado State University, and within walking distance of numerous restaurants, shops and local attractions. Amenities include a complimentary deluxe continental breakfast, free high-speed internet access, new pillow-top mattresses, heated indoor pool/hot tub, exercise and laundry facilities on site. There is also a free local shuttle to the university campus if needed.
The expanded continental breakfast includes waffles, bagels and cream cheese, hard-boiled eggs, muffins, yogurt, cereals/instant oatmeal, milk, toast, fruit, juices, coffee, and tea. Breakfast is served 6:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. daily.
(The I-Hop Restaurant next door is open 24 hours and offers a 20% discount to our guests.)
Best Western University Inn
914 S. College Avenue
Ft. Collins, CO 80525
(970) 484-1984
Hilton Fort Collins: Hilton Fort Collins is centrally located within the heart of Fort Collins adjacent to the campus of Colorado State University just off Highway 287(College Ave) and Prospect Road. Amenities include a full service Italian restaurant serving breakfast, lunch & dinner; a complete business center equipped with computers, printers, and copy machine; wireless internet capabilities in common areas. For local transportation, the Hilton shuttle offers easy, convenient access to Historic Old Town with plenty of shopping and restaurants area. Additionally, rental cars are available from the Administration desk.
Individuals must call the hotel directly in order to make reservations. Room rates vary between $136 (single) to $166 (quad) plus tax, and are subject to change based on availability.
Hilton Fort Collins
425 W. Prospect Road
Ft. Collins, CO 80526
(970) 482-2626