L-DOPA extinction coefficient
L-DOPA extinction coefficient
on 01/21/2011 13:12 by Jen
Does anyone have a protocol for measuring the extinction coefficient for L-DOPA? Also, is there an acceptable range for this value?
Reply: L-DOPA extinction coefficient
on 04/09/2013 04:15 by Stefan
Dear Jen, I have exactly the same problem. There is actually a protocol on this website from the Sinsabaugh Lab, however there is no detailled information given on activity of the HRP used. They provide 1.66/μmol for the extinction coefficient. I'd be glad to hear how you're doing, we can eventually share experiences if you're interested.
Reply: L-DOPA extinction coefficient
on 04/15/2013 18:19 by Jen
Hi Stefan, I've tried to upload the protocol for measuring the extinction coefficient here. Hopefully it worked! I'd be happy to chat about it. My email is jndenbow@ucdavis.edu email me with a follow up!